Quotes from Suspicion

Lily: Why does it always sound like men are having sex when they watch sports?

Leo: I know, no sex when the kids are home.
Karen: Then why did you just keep....?
Leo: Because lasciviously biting your neck is not having sex, it's punishing you for not having sex.

Karen: What's a person to do when her biological usefulness is over?
Judy: How about relax and enjoy it?

Lily: I forgot how much I love the smell of real books.
Judy: I like the smell of muffins. We'll just eat the tops, 'cause they have no calories.
Lily: None.

Lily: You mean that even if I did feel a teensy bit flattered by this guy it wouldn't necessarily mean that I'm...
Judy: A slut? Only in a Jane Austen kind of way.
Lily: Thanks, I think.

Rick: He knows you're mine.
Lily: My little cave man.

Zoey: Is pizza genetically modified?

Karen: What are we really doing with each other?
Leo: What kind of question is that?
Karen: The kind of question that everyone asks sooner or later.
Leo: Well, maybe you should ask it later rather than sooner.

Christy: Lily, if we could just talk about this rationally... you don't want to say anything that you might regret.
Lily: No, I don't, I want to say something that I will never regret! Y'know what? God, you're right, restoring my dignity has nothing to do with you, it has to do with me, and if you ever ever touch me inappropriately again or harass me or in any way make it impossible for me to perform my job I will sue you and I will have your ass fired... no matter what happens to this magazine. Thank you.

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