Quotes from A Dream Deferred
Lily: "I don't want to sell coffee or brew coffee or contribute to this insane obsession with coffee."
Rick: "Have I ever told you my librarian fantasy?"
Lily: "I can imagine."
Judy: "Will it really roll around?"
Marty: "No, those are faux wheels. It has faux-wheel drive."
Lily to Judy: "If you sleep with him, does he still have to build the coffee bar?"
Lily: "You're destroying my reputation."
Rick: "I hope so."
Jake: "You threw me out!"
Lily: "And why did I do that, Jake?"
Jake: "C'mon, other marriages survive affairs. Maybe you were just too committed to being the victim."
Lily: "If I was I would still be with you."
Rick: "I want to say..."
Lily: "You don't need to."
Rick: "...I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry."
Lily: "If it seems like I'm asking you to rescue me, don't get on that big white horse and charge in. Just ignore me."
Rick: "I don't know if I can do that."
Lily: "I'm asking you to learn how, someday, to know when to ignore me... know me well enough to know when to ignore me."
Rick: "If you're flailing away in the water I don't know that I can just walk away in the other direction."
Lily: "I don't want you to."
Rick: "Then what should I do."
Lily: "Just hold me."
Rick: "That's too easy."
Lily: "Why do you have to make everything so dramatic?"
Judy: "Because no one hears me otherwise."
Lily: "I hear you."
Judy to Lily: "Oh, God, don't you understand, all I ever wanted was to be you. You had everything. My only hope was to make what you had bad."
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