Quotes from Liars and Other Strangers
Judy: "Still, there's something kind of depressing about motel rooms. I mean, there's always a stain you wish you hadn't seen."
Lily: "What is it?"
Rick: "You know what. You were there."
Lily: "I was thinking maybe we'd go shopping after school today. Just us."
Grace: "Why?"
Lily: "'Cause I can't afford it. What more reason could we need?"
Karen: "I've got certain very basic needs right now. I need to hear that she's a miserable shallow person that will make his life a living hell or bore him to death or both. I'm kidding. Sort of."
David: "The sister. An attractive individual?"
Rick: "If you like hostile and self-abosorbed. And I know you do."
David: "I do. Cat?"
Rick: "No cat."
David: "You know, many scientists believe that in the near future, people will actually have sex in their own homes."
Judy: "It's like, who are you? And what have you done with my repressed boring sister?"
Lily: "You know the word besotted?"
Rick: "If you want me to. God you have a mouth!"
Lily: "I've never used it."
Rick: "Your mouth?"
Lily: "Besotted. In a sentence."
Rick: "Nobody has."
Lily: "Well that's what I am. It's like... nothing else matters."
Rick: "Nothing else does."
Lily: "I know."
Rick: "We're terrible people. We're horrible terrible people."
Lily: "We're okay people, we're just terrible parents."
Judy to Lily: "Look, the only thing I've ever done better than you is lose control. And it turns out, you can do that too. You can do anything."
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