Quotes from Let's Spend the Night Together

"Just tell your son that his job as a man is to get sex whenever he can get with the most att woman he can get it from and barring that from whoever's available." -David

"I kept looking at his hands. I know I was supposed to be listening to him, but all I could think of was he has such beautiful hands." -Lily

"We're like two kids with nowhere to go." -Lily
"My parents aren't home." -Rick

"I don't think the world was constructed for forty-year-olds to date." -Rick

"She called, that's very cool. When a woman calls it means she wants to have sex." -David
"Will you please? I'm trying to tell you I lied to three women in the space of four minutes." -Rick
"But did you get caught?" -David

"God, I've got two kids. How can I take my clothes off?" -Lily

"Can't I just lie to him? Can't I just tell him that I'm sick? Because I am sick at this point." -Lily
"But you look so hot in that outfit." -Judy
"I do?" -Lily

"I guess we're worried about the moment, y'know, and whether it's going to go okay. But they're worried about what comes after." -Rick

"You got scared." -Rick
"No... no, no. Yes. Petrified." -Lily

"It may not be much, but at least it's overpriced." -Rick about his apartment

"I don't think I'm ready for the modern world as everyone describes it to me." -Lily

"I loved being pregnant. It was such permission to be a woman." -Lily

"Last time I saw one of those Jimmy Carter was president." -Lily about condoms

"I don't know why letting a man touch me feels so dangerous." -Lily

"When I found out... when I admitted that I knew what Jake was doing with other people. It's not very good for your opinion of yourself. It's very hard then... to imagine anyone else really wanting you." -Lily

"May I say that I'm not altogether displeased that this happened?" -Lily
"You may." -Rick

"Can you really be who I need you to be?" -Lily
"I don't know." -Rick

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