Quotes from Cat-in-Hat
Leo: "You are so cute."
Karen: "Cute. You think I'm cute."
Leo: "Yeah, that's right, I think you're cute."
Karen: "Well, that's not really an adjective that I get a lot."
Leo: "Yeah? Well, that's just sad."
Karen: "I'm a rotator of underwear, I admit it. I take the freshly washed ones and I put them at the bottom of the pile so that all the underwear gets equal time. Well, I mean, if you think about it it makes sense."
Leo: "I am pathologically impulsive, it's one of my flaws."
Karen: "Yeah, well, it's also one of the things I like about you, but..."
Leo: "So you like me."
Karen: "Yeah. Yes."
Karen: "What happens to us? Why do we become so afraid to be who we are?"
Karen: "Hi."
Leo: "I thought you were Chinese food."
Karen: "I don't know that you're the right person for me, Leo."
Leo: "Well, that's not at all what I was hoping to hear."
Karen: "Because you're completely everything that I'm not looking for in my life."
Leo: "Oh."
Karen: "But you made me laugh."
Leo: "I did?"
Karen: "Yeah. And you made me question who I am."
Leo: "That's good, right?"
Karen: "Mm hmm. I think that I want to try this again."
Leo: "You do? Do you think you can handle it?"
Karen: "I don't now."
Leo: "Okay."
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